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Cheyenne First Christian Church—History Part 8

The 2003 budget presented by the Finance Team indicated a goal of limiting spending to the amount of pledges and a historic amount of non-pledged giving. The budget did not require any shortfall funding as had been done in 2002. George and Leona Harrington celebrated 70 years of marriage with a reception in Fellowship Hall on March 9. Don Warren, Betty Null and Doris Cheever were named as Elder Emeritus during worship services.

Colorado Christian Home fundraising dinner would be 2 days of workshops for professionals and families on October 24 & 25 followed by dinner. It was hoped that this would reach a broader audience. Coffee Hour on the 4th Sunday after worship were reinstated. It was always a difficult task to find a group who would host coffee hour.

March 17, the General Board voted to accept the Search Committee’s recommendation to call Rev. Kurt Borgaard as the senior pastor. His profile matched the profile the congregation had done earlier. On Sunday, March 23, the congregation voted 167-4 to accept the Search Committee’s recommendation. That evening, members of First Christian, the Disciples Path Fellowship, and the Cheyenne Islamic Center gathered for prayer to pray about the Gulf War II in Iraq. It helped members to understand differing viewpoints of other religions and to accept one another as human beings.

A reception was held for Rev. Bob and Bev Reuter on his last day, April 6. During his interim many improvements took place. There was an improved accounting system, increased communication with new and different voices on ministry teams. Pledges increased 27%, and 30 new members were welcomed.

In August 2003, Marie Parks was hired as administrative assistant. With Memorial funds acoustical boards were placed in Fellowship Hall. The Finance Team and the Trustees completed acquisition of a loan to refinance the parking lot and the house at 213 W. 26th St. The state moved more employees to the Herschler Building so several parking spaces were leased to them.

Kathleen Elias assisted in writing a proposal for a faith based grant of Federal funds. One part of the project, Wyoming Alliance for Relationship and Marriage (W.A.R.M.) of First Christian Church, focused on teaching and fostering healthy relationships within the context of families. Trainings were held at Y.M.C.A., LCCC, and FCC.

Kurt was installed as senior pastor on Oct. 5, 2003. The sanctuary was filled for the afternoon service with clergy from the region & community, members, family, and guests. The ministry team Chairs presented Kurt with the symbols of office; other ministers participated. Regional Minister Ron Parker delivered the sermon. A sit-down dinner followed for about 240. Jim and Kathleen Elias coordinated this event. A Contemporary Worship Team, along with the Worship Team and the minister, developed approaches, blending new and old, to provide worship experiences for various needs. Included were visual aids with words to hymns, scriptures, and graphics projected on the screen above the altar. This was possible with audio visual equipment purchased with money from the grant. New inspirational music was played, and a praise choir and band led the worship for the first service. 2003 was an eventful year.


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